2025 Scholarships
Each year, the Imperial County Farm Bureau presents local students with scholarships to aid them in their studies. The scholarship fund is supported by donations and our annual Farm Bureau Scholarship Barbecue, held annually in April.
We were very excited to be able to award $44,200 in scholarships in 2024 to 33 local students! We sincerely appreciate all those who supported by donating to our scholarship program in response to our Annual Scholarship Barbecue as well as those who have donated toward the Jack & Pauline McConnell Memorial, Al Kalin Memorial Scholarship, Matt LaBrucherie Memorial, Raul Rodriguez Memorial, and Jack Strobel Memorial Scholarships. These are the people who make these scholarships possible.
If you are interested in making a donation to any of the scholarship funds, contact our office, mail a check to Imperial County Farm Bureau, or donate with the link below. Please be sure to include a note on or with your payment to let us know which memorial scholarship fund you would like to contribute to. Donations will go directly into scholarships for local students.
2024 Scholarship Recipients

Matthew LaBrucherie Memorial Scholarship
Matthew LaBrucherie lived the American Dream and spent his life helping others do the same. The son of French immigrants, Mr. LaBrucherie attended Imperial Valley College, Oregon State University and St. Mary's College, where he earned a degree in business administration before returning to Imperial Valley to farm. He was a founder of McCabe Cattle Company, and personally built many of the corrals by hand, which are still in use today. He worked with partners to create El Toro Land & Cattle, El Toro Grain and El Toro Export. These businesses, along with his extensive investment of time, energy and perseverance in giving back to his community contributed immeasurably to advancing the agricultural economy of the Imperial Valley.
Raul Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship
Raul Rodriguez, former Farm Bureau board member, spent his life helping others, always ready to offer his time or resources to a good cause. A Brawley native, Raul grew up working on his father's ranch. He attended Cal Poly Pomona where he earned a degree in crop science before returning to the Valley to begin his own farming operation with his brother. In addition to serving as a board member at Farm Bureau, Raul also served on the IID's Water Conservation Advisory Board as well as the USDA Farm Service Administration's County Advisory Committee.
Jack and Pauline McConnell Memorial Scholarship
Prior to their untimely deaths in June 2012, Jack & Pauline McConnell were strong advocates for agriculture education. Jack served on the Farm Bureau scholarship committee for as long as it existed, and outside of Farm Bureau, the pair shared their rich knowledge with many local and even international students of all ages.
It is fitting, then, that their legacy will continue in a Jack & Pauline McConnell Memorial Scholarship fund, which has been established by Imperial County Farm Bureau in the McConnells' memory.
Jack had served as a Farm Bureau board member continuously since the 1950s, while Pauline was extremely active in Farm Bureau Women as well as serving on the Farm Bureau Board of Directors, among many other activities in service to our community and agriculture industry.
Jack Stobel Memorial Scholarship
Jack Strobel’s early years were spent farming with his father. In the 1960s, he developed 320 acres of raw desert into farmland as one of the last desert entries to be approved in the Valley by the Department of Interior.
In the late 70’s Jack became a real estate broker and opened his own office “Jack Strobel Ranch Realty” in El Centro. Because of his farming knowledge, honesty, and trustworthiness, he never had to advertise his business.
For over 20 years he supported the California Midwinter Fair Junior Livestock auction and 4-H swine program. He was so proud of these youth that he saved every letter, photograph and thank you note he ever received. Jack was always willing to go out of his way to extend a helping hand to a friend.
So many farmers and others in the Valley can share a time when he helped them out of a dire situation. His door was always open and he took great pleasure in knowing that he had a part in helping someone succeed.
Al Kalin Memorial Scholarship
Al Kalin was an incredible storyteller, but the story of his own life is the best one of all. His family managed a feedlot, a 3000-acre farm, and the Planters Hotel. His mother eventually purchased eighty acres on the edge of the Salton Sea; this was Al’s favorite childhood haunt where he spent countless days hunting, fishing and beachcombing. Al had many people and experiences in his early years that helped influence and nurture his love for the great outdoors, his respect for nature, and his vast knowledge of many aspects of agriculture and life in the Imperial Valley that would grow to expertise levels throughout his life.
Al, along with his brother Carson, started Kalin Farms in high school. Upon his return to Imperial Valley after college and his service in the military, he helped manage the farm. They grew 2,500 acres of wheat, alfalfa, carrots, dry onions, and sugar beets.
In addition to farming, family, fishing, and fun, Al dedicated much of his time to serving his community including Westmorland Community 4-H leader, a Trustee for the Westmorland Union Elementary School District, and a Director on the Imperial County Farm Bureau board. As a farmer, environmentalist, and foremost expert on the Salton Sea, he served on countless advisory committees tackling issues such as water conservation, restoration of the Salton Sea, water quality, and others. Al was also the recipient of several prestigious awards.
As remarkable as Al was, it was his gentle spirit, quiet nature, willingness to help and teach others, and his down to earth personality that made him a dear friend to people of all walks of life. The Al Kalin Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a student who mirrors many of Mr. Kalin’s characteristics including his love of farming and vast knowledge and care for our environment.